"做運動令到變肌肉人? Does working out make me bulk up?" - TOP Trainer's Secrets

Look at me! Workout keeps me happy :)
看我的笑容 - 運動給我很大滿足感

Most women don’t like working out especially. They don’t like to sweat or they find workout too exhausting. Or they might find it boring because it could be repetitive (such as running).
Or some might be put off from working out because they think workout helps bulk muscles up and they’d look like Hulk (biggest fear of women in exercise!).
These are just fallacies. Don’t be scared to workout.

1. “Working out is boring and tough. I’d rather be on diet than workout.”
You know “NO PAIN NO GAIN”, right?
You harvest what you have planted.
If you want to be fit, be healthy, look good (especially when naked), feel confident, and make people jealous (not necessarily though because you’re doing it all for yourself!), you have to work hard for it, FIGHT for it.
Your body won’t change if you don’t change your lifestyle.

Is exercise really that boring and tough?
To be frank, if you have never exercised in a long time, the first one or two times you’d really feel it.
This is a new stimulant to your body so it takes time to get used to it.
But after the third workout, your body starts adapting. If you workout along with some good music, time passes quickly without you noticing!
Workout can also be FUN depends how you plan it. Change it up every day!

Let’s give yourself a new challenge.
Workout three to four times a week in the following three weeks.
Why three weeks?
It takes three weeks to establish a new habit.
After three weeks’ challenge, exercise might have become a indispensable routine in your daily life.

Exercise not only makes you healthier, lose fat, enhance cardiovascular performance and endurance, it RELAXES you and lifts off stress.
Having a desk job and having your butt in the same position from 9 till 6, exercise (correctly) will make you forget all the hustle and helps alleviate shoulder and lower back pain.

I know, scientifically, dieting i.e. decreasing calorie intake can make you lose weight too. But if you overdo it, you will be too fatigued and have too energy to work.
And more than likely you’ll lose fat as well as muscles so your metabolism slows down (hence fatigue).
When you have lost significant amount of weight through only diet instead of exercise, you might find a lot of flabby skin attached to your body (which is not very nice).
Exercise helps weight loss and firming.

I know it has been said many times but to lose fat, limiting calorie intake sensibly combined with workout is the best way to stick to.

2. “I will get muscular and look like Hulk if I workout”

A lot of factors are involved. It has to do with what exercises you do, how you do it (like tempo), and sets and repetitions etc.

In general, it is hard for women to bulk up to be like Hulk.
Due to the fact that biologically women have much less of a male hormone called testosterone, which is responsible growth of masculine characters in human body such as body hair and sizes and amount of muscle mass.
And one thing (might be worth celebrating for women!), women have about one tenth of testosterone of what men have.
Unless you’re a superman, have heaps of testosterone, and training intensively 6-7 days a week, eating tons of protein or even steroid, you don’t have to worry about weight training bulks you up. It doesn’t happen magically like that.

Cardio exercises such as running, swimming and cycling can promote fat loss. But in the long run, your metabolism is not boosted much.
Weight training can help you put on more muscle mass and having more muscle mass helps you burn fat faster even when resting, and can raise metabolism.
Doing both cardio and weights maximises fat loss.
Cardio and weight training can be done in the same workout session or  can be split on different training days. (I will write about it in the following blog posts about training plans).

Please do bear in mind, warm up exercises must be done before your main set or workout. It is a procedure to ease your body into training and to prevent unnecessary injury. Also follow by cool down stretching (and SMR, i.e. self-myofascial release) at the very end of the workout session. It helps lengthen the muscles that are contracted during exercise. It eases the tightness and also make you look long and tall.

Without further due, put on your trainers and hit the gym, NOW!

By the way, did you guys realise “About Elektra” has an additional item?
YES You are right. Elektra has done Olympic Lifting 1 recently!
Haven’t been updating for almost two months.
Busy bee I am.
Now my life is all about work, training, boxing and ballet.
Too lazy!
Now that I have more time and I share more.

Happy year of goat. Wish you a successful, fit and healthy year!

Don’t forget to workout when you’re having a good time with your friends and family and of course while enjoying nice food.



1. 運動很悶很辛苦,寧願節食減肥也不想做運動。

老土地說句,NO PAIN NO GAIN ,一分耕耘一分收穫,不辛苦怎能得世間財。







2. 做運動會變成肌肉人嗎?



運動訓練後一定要cool down拉筋,把運動期間收縮狀態的肌肉拉長,舒緩及回復肌肉之餘亦可把線條拉長。(如何拉筋往後會再說)



大家有沒有留意下面的About Elektra多了一個新一項?
沒錯! Elektra最近完成了Olympic Lifting level 1了。



About Elektra Yu

Asia's Next Top Model 2 亞洲超模生死鬥二

NASM Certified Personal Trainer 美國國家運動醫學會 註冊私人教練

IPTFA Certified Personal Trainer 國際康體專才培訓學院 註冊私人教練

Olympic Lifting Level 1 Certificate 奧林匹克舉重第一級證書
TRX GSTC Certified Trainer TRX 團體懸垂訓練 註冊教練
