Why did I step in the ring 我為甚麼要踏進擂台

Why did I step in the ring 我為甚麼要踏進擂台

-thoughts after my first fight 人生第一場比賽後感言
(Chinese version after English 中文版在英文段落後)
To begin with, I didn't win (I use the phrase "didn't win" rather than "I lost". To be honest, I didn't feel like I have lost at all).
I wonder if the result would have been any different if we started off the match equal that my opponent wasn't wearing a headgear (As shown in the picture, she was wearing a headgear and I didn't)
It was my first standup fight.
It's funny that the techniques that I have practised, the moment I got in the ring, I forgot them all. I forgot how to kick, how to block, how to push kick. I remembered NOTHING. It's like an exam. You'll most likely forget what you've revised.
It wasn't as easy as I thought. It was in fact a lot more brutal than I expected. I took a lot of blows. But none of them set me back.
However, after the first round, there was a moment I regretted taking on the fight.

What kind of woman would throw herself in the ring and get beaten up? Why am I doing this? Do I deserve this? What is the meaning of this? Why? What for?

All these thoughts popped up during the 1-minute rest.
But I told myself, there is NO turning back. I have started it, and I HAVE TO finish this.
My opponent is a lot more experienced, taller, bigger, southpaw. At least I gave her a tough fight and I fought with a lot of heart. As I watched my fight video, indeed, there were a lot of things that I could improve or have done better, but I saw myself taking strong blows and kicks in the jaws (without headgear), none of them have set me back. I just kept moving forward. I kept on going.
Even with all the odds against me (the fight took place at my opponent's gym), majority of the crowd was cheering for my opponent, I just wanted to keep fighting until I couldn't. My team was cheering for me.
I wanted to keep fighting.
Though in the end, I didn't win.
But I can proudly say none of her kicks or punches did damage or hurt me. I came out of the ring only with a small scratch on my face and slightly bursted lip. Nothing major.
I got a lot of compliments from people I know or spectators that I didn't know. I was even warmly greeted by my opponent's husband. Some said normally women's fight was boring but ours was very exciting.
I was happy. I enjoyed the fight. I had fun. And that's the most important.
Before I started martial arts training, as most of you might have known, I was dedicated to music (I've been playing the piano for more than 15 years).
As a classically-trained pianist and then singer, I was never happy about my performance.
Back in those days, most of the time after my performance, I was always mad at myself and always thought that I didn't do well.
I remember one time I was playing Flight of the Bumble Bee at a college recital (Quite a difficult piece. It goes wrong easily). The moment I finished and stood up to bow, I pulled on a disappointed face and audience saw it. One guy approached me and asked me why I was sad since I did a great job.
There was one other time, at university recital, I sang and accompanied myself on the piano (the piece was "Cum Dederit" in Nisi Dominis by Vivaldi). After stepping down from the stage, I hid myself behind the auditorium seats and cried.
I was never ever happy about my performance even though I didn't do badly.
I was demanding to myself. It was consuming and led to a lot of self-denial.
However, there is something that martial arts has taught me that I never found in music.
Loses might happen. But that's ok. There are also lessons.
You might lose. You also learn. And you also grow.

One ex-military guy asked me, 'pretty girl, why do you want to fight?'
I said, 'because I don't want to be pretty and useless and let people walk all over me.'
That is my spirit. I don't want to be pretty and useless.
It might be a bit early to take on a fight since I freshly injured my shoulder in October 2016 and hurt it again in December. And during my recovery time, striking was the only thing I could train that wouldn't put much stress on my shoulder (I couldn't train jiujitsu at that time). But my shoulder would fatigue very quickly and had limited endurance and power.
But I wanted to push myself through that weakness. I wanted to challenge and test myself. I kept on training and my shoulder finally improved.
Injury can either be an excuse, or, motivation. All depends how you see it.
And what's more, I had nothing to lose. Only a lot to prove. So I threw myself in.
The day after the fight (Sunday), I spent the whole day 'decomposing'.
After a biggish event, what's next?
What's my next goal? Where's my motivation? What are the reasons to keep on training? What can I do now?
A slight sense of loss kicked in.
But I didn't let it take over me.
Monday, I got back to training. People at gym greeted me by calling me Chi Ka Diaz (haha. from MMA fighter Nate Diaz, famous for his "Stockton slap"). Some suggested that I should take a break.
I don't feel like taking a break. I want to train, improve, and fight again. I don't know when I'll fight next. I don't know if I'll be fighting on the ground or on my feet. That's why I have to be ready at all times (and also look pretty at all times). So when the opportunity comes, I know I'm ready.

甚麽樣的女人會把自己送上擂台被人打? 我為甚麽要參加比賽? 為了甚麼? 值得嗎? 為甚麼?


記得有一次我在高中演奏會上彈奏「Flight of the Bumble Bee大黃蜂的飛行」(難度頗高的一首樂曲,很容易出錯)。我演奏完畢,站立起對觀眾鞠躬,我面露失望,某些觀眾居然都見到了。一位男士走過來,問我為甚麼不開心,而我當天演奏得不錯。
而又另一次,到大學的演奏會,我自彈自唱了一首古典樂曲(威爾第的"Cum Dederit", Nisi Dominis)。踏下舞台的台階後,我躲在觀眾席後哭。





翌日是星期一,我又回到了訓練。館內的人都歡迎我,戲稱我為Chi Ka Diaz(由來為MMA選手Nate Diaz,他以大勾拳為名)。有人建議我應該要休息。

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